5 Ways to Ensure that Your Blog Post Commands Attention

Writing a blog is not easy especially if you want to create an impression in the minds of your readers.  Now, don’t get me wrong, every blogger wants their blog posts to be popular, but there are some that want it more than others. For some, blogs are just a way to share their thoughts with the people at large and more importantly get them out of their system. But, for others, blogs are way to market their business, sell products and services and promote their ideas, for them ‘not making an impression’ is not an option. It is imperative that their blog commands attention.

With a blog, you don’t have the liberty of using visual imagery to attract and engage readers. In a blog, ‘words’ get their due place. They are the center of attraction, and if you get your words wrong, forget about creating an impression.

If you are one of those people who want to write an attention grabbing blog post, any which way possible, here are five ways that will show you the way.

Identify an Interesting Topic

Elementary isn’t it, but how do you do that? Well, the first thing that you need to do is to think from the reader’s perspective. If you were a reader, what is the kind of post that you would like to read? Something that solves a problem, something that offers interesting factual information or something that talks about a new development in your niche or a post that offers some poignant suggestions and views about your niche. The rule of thumb for any post that wants to command attention is that it should be about an interesting topic.  Everything else comes later.

Title should Grab Eye Balls

Your blog might not have interesting visuals to grab attention. But, it does have something else; or rather you have something else that will help your blog grab all the eyeballs that you need. You have the liberty to write a great Title for your blog post; the kind of title that shakes people up and wants them to read your post.

Now what’s a good title? Well, the qualities of a good title can go on and on… but let me illustrate this with a small example…. “Five SEO Tips to Ensure Better Search Engine Rankings” and “Five Reasons why you don’t Need SEO for Improving Rankings?” Which one is the better title? It’s the second one that ensures that readers sit up and take notice. With a great title you have made them want to read your post. That’s a victory in itself.

Clear. Relevant and Easy-to -Understand Content

No fancy words please! Nobody likes a write up that is dandyish. Some of the best content written by some of the best writers is extremely easy to understand and people can make sense of it effortlessly. Your focus should first be on writing readable copy that conveys your message effectively. Keeping sentences short and using words whose meaning is easily comprehended, you are actually taking steps to increase the readership of your blog post. Nobody will accuse your blog post of being simplistic, because of the unpretentious language used; but use long winded complex sentence and difficult words, and readers will accuse you of being too full of yourself.

Writing content that shine is not so easy may be you like this article on this.

Using Powerful Words

There are words and then there are words. There are some words that just stand out from the surrounding text, and force a reader to notice them. Think about it for a second. Haven’t you ever come across words that just command a second look? These words are ‘power words’ and are usually associated with a particular emotion. When a reader comes across them, they force a strong emotion out of them. Your content should use such words liberally, but you must ensure that they should make sense when they are a part of any blog post. There are certain words that just cannot be ignored.

Emotional Connect

This can be considered an extension of the previous pointer. Most people take emotional decisions, rather than rational ones. Likewise, people connect with the emotion on a blog post and not its cold logic. As a blogger, you need to tap into the emotions of your reader to ensure their continued interest in the blog post.  At the end of the day, once the reader has gone through your blog post, he/she must feel satisfied after reading it. Nothing more and definitely nothing less!

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These are 5 ways, but not the only ways that you can ensure that your blog post commands the kind of attention that you want. As can be seen, the pointers given above are all quite basic and elementary in nature, but, make no mistake, they are difficult to implement. After all, the fact whether you are able to implement them or not is the difference between a blog post that is successful and one that ends up a failure.