5 Quick Steps to Optimize Your Google+ Business Page

Have you created your own Google+ profile and Google+ business page? If not, then you’re missing out on a lot of searches and leads towards your business or website. As Google is now a dominating and key player in the rapidly evolving landscape of Internet marketing, it’s a great move to create your own Google+ business page and optimize it for your target market.

Google+Since the rollout of Google+ business profile pages in November 2011, small companies to large corporations can have more advantages in utilizing this Google tool to establish their brand and promote them through their online connections.

Be one of those smart marketers taking what Google + has to offer to full capacity. Here are some quick steps advisable for you to follow:

1. Fill it Up

Start with Google+ Page first then Google+ Business Page. Upon signup and registration, fill out all the fields that you can (e.g. basic personal and business/site information). Every piece of information you enter will be vital for your online presence as these will be shown in the search results page. As well, these will be from where Google references and tracks who or what your business is about.

2. Add Business-related Images to your Page

Adding lots of relevant and helpful images (may be in the form of graphs and charts) onto your Google+ page will trigger Googles Image Search. Not only will these images reflect your business branding strongly but they will also be used as inviting doors from where your page will be referenced.

3. Engage with the Community

Your page and profile represent a great and growing opportunity for you to interact with the people in your circle (your customers) and the public community. So religiously update your Google+ page. It’s best to moderate your posts and share relevant and useful information will spark the interest of your market niche. Examples of information are fresh press releases of your company and interesting bulk of news about your latest product or service. But make sure that your readers will not mark or wrong them as spams. Who knows you might just connect with a Business Tycoon that can help your company grow? So, keep on communicating and interacting to people in your market niche.

4. Link Your Website to your Google+ Business Page

Interconnect your webpage, Google+ business page and Google+ profile. In your website, you can create a small java script and insert an outbound link to your Google+ Business Page. In turn, you must have a link of your website on your Google+ Page. Make sure that your website has the +1 Button. Then, encourage your readers to share your posts and hit on the +1 Button.

Google5. Take Advantage of the Recommended Links Bar

Just beneath the about tab of your page, Google has given you the chance to add links so link out to your website. Use deep links going to your articles/products page.

If you believe that social media can help develop and market your business, then setting up a Google+ business profile page is a must for your company. Your competitors will also likely to set up one so start optimizing your page now, when Google+ Business Pages had just commenced and is in the process of expanding rapidly in its popularity. As with anything, keep ahead of the competition before they get ahead of you!